VR with Andrew's Teleporting Tutorial: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Sd8xrBfw8ik

Basic Steps:
1. Set up an XR Rig (explained in Module 1: Setting up the XR Interaction Toolkit).
2. Create two Plane primitive objects, a larger one called "Area" and a smaller one called "Anchor."
* Note: Two types of teleportation that the XR Toolkit provides:
     i. Area = wide open space where the user can teleport anywhere they want
     ii. Anchor = specific point in the world where we want the user to be able to teleport to
3. Add a "Teleportation Provider" component to the XR Rig.
4. Add a "Locomotion System" component to the XR Rig.
5. Drag the XR Rig from the Hierarchy window into the XR Rig slot on the Locomotion System, and drag the Locomotion System component into the Locomotion System slot on the Teleportation Provider (to set up references).
6. Add a "Teleportation Area" component to your Area plane.
7. Add a "Teleportation Anchor" component to your Anchor plane.
8. When you enter Play Mode, you should be able to teleport around the Area and to the Anchor by pointing your raycast at a valid location and using whatever button is set as the "Select Usage" parameter in your LeftHand and RightHand Controller objects' "XR Controller" components (set to the "Grip" by default).
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