Presence: "That peculiar sense of 'being there' unique to virtual reality." 
(from Jeremy Bailenson's Experience on Demand: What Virtual Reality Is, How It Works, and What It Can Do)

Experience: "In our conventional understanding of the term, experience is . something that happens out in the 'real world.' It involves actually doing something. Experience is 'hard-won,' it imparts wisdom, it's 'the best teacher.' We value it because we know that firsthand exposure to facts or events is the most powerful and effective way for us to learn and understand the world.
Sure, you might concede, media experiences can influence us, but they do so in much less powerful ways than actual experience. There are enormous differences between the physical world and the watered-down, abstracted versions of reality that we encounter even in multisensory media like film or videogames, and we can differentiate easily between those representations and reality. This is all true. But with virtual reality, the gap between 'real' experience and mediated experience is about to get a whole lot smaller. The two won't quite be alike, but VR is far more psychologically powerful than any medium ever invented and is posed to dramatically transform our lives. It allows us to instantaneously conjure experiences at the click of a button. Experiences of any kind.
There is a major qualitative difference between VR and watching video. It feels real. Good VR does that. When done right, VR experiences--intense, beautiful, violent, touching, erotic, educational, or whatever else you choose them to be--will feel so realistic and immersive they will have the potential, similar to experiences in the real world, to enact profound and lasting changes in us."
(from Jeremy Bailenson's Experience on Demand: What Virtual Reality Is, How It Works, and What It Can Do)

Immersion: "Immersion into virtual reality (VR) is a perception of being physically present in a non-physical world. The perception is created by surrounding the user of the VR system in images, sound or other stimuli that provide an engrossing total environment."

Interactivity: "Interactive art is a form of art that involves the spectator in a way that allows the art to achieve its purpose. Some interactive art installations achieve this by letting the observer or visitor "walk" in, on, and around them; some others ask the artist or the spectators to become part of the artwork."

Rendering: "3D rendering is the process of producing an image based on three-dimensional data stored on your computer. Your computer graphics convert 3D wireframe models into 2D images with 3D photorealistic, or as close to reality, effects. Rendering can take from seconds to even days for a single image or frame.
In real-time rendering, most common in video games or interactive graphics, the 3D images are calculated at a very high speed so that it looks like the scenes, which consist of multitudes of images, occur in real time when players interact with your game."

Graphics Performance: "Good performance is critical to the success of many games. Below are some simple guidelines for maximizing the speed of your game’s rendering."

Degrees of Freedom: "Degrees of freedom (DoF) refer to the number of basic ways a rigid object can move through 3D space. There are six total degrees of freedom. Three correspond to rotational movement around the x, y, and z axes, commonly termed pitch, yaw, and roll. The other three correspond to translational movement along those axes, which can be thought of as moving forward or backward, moving left or right, and moving up or down."

3DoF: "means we can track rotational motion but not translational. For the headset, that means we can track whether the user has turned their head left or right, tilted it up or down, or pivoted left and right."

6DoF: "means we can additionally track translational motion. That means we can track whether the user has moved forward, backward, laterally, or vertically."

HMD: "A Head Mounted Display is a display device that is worn on the head, usually a VR/AR Headset."

Unity Vocabulary List:
Mesh Filter
Mesh Renderer
3D Model
Audio Listener
Audio Source
Audio Player
Transform Component
C# Script
Scene View
Game View
Inspector Window
Hierarchy Window
Project Window
Lighting Window
Asset Store
Package Manager
XR Interaction Toolkit
XR Rig
Primitive Object
Video Player
Video Clip
Panoramic Video
TextMesh Pro
Render Texture
Built-in Render Pipeline
Player Settings
Animation Window
Animator Window
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